Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Prayers for Haiti and Mallory

As the night falls in Haiti, our prayers are offered for those affected by this devastating earthquake. We pray for those who have died, the injuried, the homeless, and those who are trying to help. In our diocesan community, we are particularly vigilant as we await word from Mallory Holding, the daughter of our Canon to the Ordinary, Suzi Holding, who is serving as a missionary in Port au Prince.

I have linked below a story from today's Chicago Tribune about Mallory as well as ENS's story. Those of us in the Diocese of San Diego remember the great support that we received after the 2007 Wildfires. Now is the time to pay that grace forward. I encourage everyone to make generous gifts to Episcopal Relief and Development:

Link to Chicago Tribune Article:

Link to ENS Story:

Monday, January 11, 2010

Jesus and E-mail

There are those moments in the gospels where people come to Jesus with an intention to trap, damage or even destroy. Two stories that stand out are the testing about paying taxes to Caesar and the rather elegant question about the woman who married seven brothers in succession: in the resurrection, whose wife will she be?

Over the last few days, I have visited with a bishop colleague who has felt deeply hurt by those whom he served, received word from the Presiding Bishop’s office of a death threat to another bishop colleague being investigated by the FBI, and just this morning received an anonymous letter pillorying me for my perceived failures.

I place these experiences next to the gospel story of the Epiphany, the story of the Magi. I wonder how can any of us who claim to follow Jesus be so harsh on another imperfect follower of Jesus Is not our calling to be like the Magi, to be bearers of gifts?

If Jesus had email, my hunch is that the messages in his inbox would have made the messages in my inbox seem bland. But what of his sent items? How would he respond? Well, he did say turn the other cheek. He was silent before so many, including Pilate. He said love your neighbor as yourself.

So, perhaps here is the question, before we hit send: WWJS—what would Jesus send?